Thursday, October 28, 2010

Haram vs. Halal

While most people know that pork is forbidden to Muslims too eat, recently I learned of a new food that apparently falls into the same category of Haram foods, it is frog.  On a bus ride somewhere or other my conversation with two Indonesian friends went on to talk about strange foods we had or hadn't tried before (and living in Asia that list is very, very long).  Frogs, surprisingly, came up and my friend pointed out that she could not have eaten them because they are considered haram since they live on both land and water.  Now, I don't think I am the only one to consider that a strange justification.  So I decided to look into it, and did you know you can find answers to what is haram or halal on websites ranging from Islamic Awakening to Wiki Answers?  Well according to the former website, frogs are "regarded as revolting and unclean."  Peacock meat, on the other hand, is halal and good to go.  Considering I have had peacocks my entire life that was a little more disturbing- besides the surprising fact that these animals even come up for debate!  Wiki Answers just had a simple answer, haram.  Guess I am still learning new and fascinating things all the time!

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