Thursday, July 23, 2009

Field trip to an organic farm

It's been a long day here and I am ready to read myself to sleep after capping the night with a beer and friends planning our trip for the weekend. My team taught an English class to a group of Thai students today as part of our training and I got to do the listening comprehension lesson. I actually really enjoyed it even though I won't really be teaching much at the ngo. When we got done at 5pm VIA had organized for us to visit an organic farm outside of the city. An expat friend of VIA has started a really cool farm that emphasizes sustainability and enviromentally friendly farming methods while producing over fifty varietys of fruits, vegetables, and edible plants on just one acre. He gave us a tour of the farm and showed a lot of knowledgeble in explaining his work spreading methods to the surrounding farms, his employment of Shan refugees from Myanmar and their general condition in Thailand, and the interesting details of strategic green farming. Just being in Thailand it was funny to hear his commentary on international politics and liberal cynicism of all of the problems caused by capitalism in the world. Moving on to dinner at our host's home, his family cooked us an amazing assortment of dishes from the fresh produce straight from his gardens. The stir fried morning glory, rose flavored rice, spicy Thai salad, vegetable curry, and slightly fried balls of tofu were truly remarkable. By tomorrow night, however, I will be much closer to the border with Myanmar and the local food is supposed to be much closer to Indian fare.

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